
A Little Italy-Palmerston Backyard Garden Cleanup

Revealing Potential for a Toronto Pollinator Garden?

It seems that with every garden cleanup ("rescue" is a better word for this post as you'll see later) I complete, that question comes to mind. It was certainly the case with this project I finished for a client in the central Toronto area of Little Italy/Palmerston. The backyard garden bed was hidden by weeds, Virginia Creeper and an overgrown rose but once I tidied up things, I easily imagined the garden full of colour and life.

But here are some "before" pictures showing the overgrown garden bed and lawn:

Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Gardener for Hire
Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before

Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Organic Gardener for Hire
Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before

Palmerston Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Organic Gardener Near You
Palmerston Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before

Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before in Little Italy by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Gardener Near You
Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before in Little Italy 

Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before in Little Italy by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Organic Gardener Near You
Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before in Little Italy 

Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before in Palmerston by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Gardener Near You
Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup Before in Palmerston 


And here are some "after" pictures, post weeding and pruning:

Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Gardener for Hire
Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After 

Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Organic Gardener for Hire
Little Italy Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After 

Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Little Italy by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Organic Gardener Near You
Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Little Italy

Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Little Italy by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Gardener Near You
Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Little Italy 

Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Little Italy by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Organic Gardener Near You
Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Little Italy 

Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Palmerston by Paul Jung Gardening Services--a Toronto Gardener Near You
Toronto Backyard Garden Cleanup After in Palmerston

The bed is quite deep in certain areas so there's potential (that word again) to fill this bed with many flower-bearing native and non-native perennials and shrubs, given it faces south and east and receives full sun for part of the day.

Alas, it's a rental property (which may explain the state of things before I was hired) and the odds that weeds will reappear and re-establish are high. But I've given the owner and tenants a blank slate so the ball is in their court, to mix metaphors.

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