

Paeonia lactiflora "Heartbreaker"

The perils of herbaceous peonies

After the torrential downpour Toronto received two days ago (although much needed), it wasn't exactly a surprise to see this at a client's yard:

herbaceous peony damaged by wind and rain paul jung toronto organic ecological gardening services
Hoops didn't help with these peonies

I suspect this scene has been repeated across our fair city. The timing is awful, the the fat flower buds just about to open. 

Maybe a tree peony, Paeonia suffruticosa, or an Itoh hybrid is the way to go to avoid such carnage? Sure, they are expensive but all this sadness would had been avoided.


  1. Paul, It's a major investment, but you have to plant Itoh hybrids. Mine are untouched by the storm.

  2. I agree, Barry, but it's a tough sell. Funny how some folks blow big bucks on a kitchen faucet but can't fathom paying $40 plus for a "stick in a pot", lol!
