
What is organic gardening? A Toronto gardener's perspective.

Philosophy and Practices

The philosophy is simply to treat the soil with care and respect. The practices involve having organic matter (e.g., composted plant and animal material like leaves and manure) worked back into the soil in order to add back the nutrients taken out to grow edible crops, annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees. Mulching is used to reduce watering, reduce soil compaction and reduce weeding. As we revitalize the soil, pesticide and fertilizer use can be avoided altogether.

The aim is to grow plants in a healthy and balanced eco-system. It is assumed that, as a result, some pests and diseases will exist below an acceptable threshold to the gardener. This dynamic of plant and wildlife life and death is accepted as sustainable over the long term by the organic gardener.

What are the benefits of treating the soil with respect?

  • Safer conditions to play, learn and work in for you, your family, your neighbours and the greater environment
  • More cost-effective gardening will occur as less money is spent watering, fertilizing and maintaining
  • A  greater variety of animals will co-exist with you and your gardens, many beneficial in controlling pests but some are simply beautiful to see and hear
  • Food crops are better tasting and ornamental plants experience less pest and disease damage
  • Your carbon footprint is reduced by composting, growing food crops, and using no synthetic pesticides
  • Knowing it’s the right thing to do for you and future generations

By Paul Jung, author of "garden muses: a Toronto gardening blog"
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