A Leslieville Summer Garden Cleanup That Keeps the Neighbours Happy
Is peer pressure a wonderful thing? For a gardener who is hired by mainly residential clients and from a sales perspective, the answer is an unequivocal "yes!" I know, I know, this is a gardening blog so why bring up something mundane and distasteful like selling? The truth, though, is that all of us are always selling if you broaden the definition to include persuading others to follow your wishes and interests. Proponents of greener lawns (turf fertilizer companies) do this with the same fervour as those who prefer weedier lawns and gardens (to the benefit of pollinators) or even no lawns (paver manufacturers). And do you notice that most of the perennials and shrubs that fly off the garden center or nursery shelves tend to be bloom? Hmmmm...
Neighbours will sell you on the idea that your messy front garden (that affronts them every time they gaze over) can and should be addressed as soon as possible. Sometimes even saying it aloud isn't necessary: a pregnant pause here and there and a wry smile will get the message across.
Leslieville Summer Front Garden Cleanup Before |
According to John, my client in this post, he (half) jokingly stated he was getting tired of receiving "dagger" looks from neighbours due to the condition of his front yard. When I met him for the initial consultation and estimate, I thought "this isn't that bad" but then again, I didn't live in his neighbourhood!
Leslieville Toronto Summer Front Garden Cleanup Before |
As you can see in the picture below, which is the view looking from the sidewalk towards the front of the house, there's a nice collection of weed tree saplings growing out of the periwinkle (Vinca minor) groundcover. The Siberian or Chinese Elm hedge to the left needs a haircut too.
Toronto Leslieville Summer Front Yard Garden Cleanup Before |
The backyard, I felt, was messier:
Toronto Leslieville Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup Before |
Toronto Leslieville Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup Before |
Leslieville Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup Before |
Leslieville Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup After |
Leslieville Toronto Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup Before |
Leslieville Summer Garden Cleanup Before |
Post cleanup and the neighbours can now relax....
The challenge for the front was dealing with a weedy honeysuckle vine that was growing on top of everything. Whatever saplings that could not be dug out to the size of their root balls were simply cut off at their bases.
Leslieville Summer Front Garden Cleanup After |
Leslieville Toronto Summer Front Garden Cleanup After |
Toronto Leslieville Summer Front Yard Garden Cleanup After |
While in the backyard, John can relax:
Toronto Leslieville Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup After |
Toronto Leslieville Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup After |
Leslieville Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup After |
Leslieville Toronto Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup After |
Leslieville Toronto Summer Backyard Garden Cleanup After |
Leslieville Summer Garden Cleanup After |
As I was leaving and giving John the invoice, he (half) jokingly said (to paraphrase): "Thanks so much, you don't know how you've helped my social life in the neighbourhood!" Based on the condition of my own extremely neglected front and back gardens, it's lucky I don't live in Leslieville.