

A small garden renovation in North York, ON

A recent garden rescue in North York, Toronto

Maybe "rescue" is too dramatic but this small front yard garden bed definitely needed a "rehab"! It was completely infested with garlic mustard and Siberian squill with some decrepit old tulips here and there.

Here's a before picture:

Garden bed choked with garlic mustard and Siberian squill to be renovated by Paul Jung Gardening Services Toronto
Before picture of the garden bed
 infested with garlic mustard and Siberian squill, 
with a few tulips thrown in!

The client wanted a fresh start with very low maintenance requirements. Here's the after picture showing the new plantings which should fill in over 2-3 years.

After picture of new garden bed renovated by Paul Jung Gardening Services Toronto with a lavender hedge, Limelight Pee Gee hydrangea standard, Autumn Joy Sedum and Hens and Chicks
After picture of the new low maintenance garden 
in full sun with a lavender border, 
a "Limelight" Pee Gee hydrangea standard, 
"Autumn Joy" sedum 
and "Hens and Chicks" Sempervivum

By Paul Jung, owner of Paul Jung Gardening Services Inc. of Toronto
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